Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Frozen Lemon Cupcake

For the lemon cream
         200g Castor sugar
         Finely grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
         475ml whipping cream
For the biscuit base
         125g unsalted butter, softened
         75g digestive biscuits or graham crackers, crushed
           2 tbsp castor sugar
          Jellied or crystallized lemon slices, to decorate
         Grease a 12-cup tin or regular silicone cupcake mould. For the lemon cream, combine the sugar and lemon zest and juice in a large bowl. Gradually whisk in the cream. Set aside.
         For the biscuit base, melt the butter in a small saucepan over a low heat. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the biscuit crumbs, crushed cornflakes and sugar.
         Press some of the biscuit base mixture the base of each of the prepared cupcake cups, dividing it evenly. Pour some of the lemon cream mixture over each biscuit base, dividing it evenly. Cover with freezer wrap and freeze for at least 3 hours. Unmould the cupcakes, top each one with a jellied or crystallized lemon slice and serve.


Carrot Cake

  ¾ cups oil
          3 cups brown sugar
           4 eggs
           1 cup crushed pineapple
           3 tsp cinnamon
           ½ cup bran
           3 cups flour
           2 cups grated carrots
           ½ cups walnuts
           1 tsp baking soda
           2 tsp baking powder
         In mixing bowl add flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and brown sugar and mix thoroughly
         In a separate bowl add eggs, melted butter, carrots and pineapple mix and add dry ingredients
         Mix thoroughly
         Sprinkle nuts mix and pour into 2- 8” cake tins that is lined
         Bake at 350 F for the first 1 ½ hrs then lower temperature to 300 F for 15- 30 minutes
NOTE: Cover with your favorite frosting/ icing and enjoy. 



Chocolate Cake

 2 cups flour
·         1 tsp salt
·         1 tsp baking powder
          2 tsp baking soda
          2 cups sugar
           1 cup hot coffee
           1 cup vegetable oil
           1 cup milk
           1 tsp vanilla extract
           2 eggs
           ¾ cups cocoa
         Sift dry ingredients in a mixing bowl  
       Add oil, eggs, coffee, and milk and mix at medium speed for 2 mins
      Batter will be thin
         Pour into greased 9" tins
         Bake at 350 for 30- 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean
         Cool for 15 minutes, cover with your favorite frosting/icing and enjoy.
NOTE: This super moist cake will have them coming back for more.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Easy No Bake Cheesecake

1 pkg cream cheese, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 1/3 cup lemon juice, 1 tsp vanilla

1 pkg graham crackers, ½ cup sugar, ¼ melted margarine
Make crust and put into small 8 x 8 inch pan. You can put this in the oven for 10- 15 minutes to make crust more rigid.
Mix cream cheese with blender until creamy, add milk slowly. After milk in completely mixed in, slowly add lemon juice. Then add your vanilla and pour into crust. Top with your favorite pie filling and refrigerate for at least 2 hrs for cheesecake to set up.

The graham crackers can be swapped out for digestive biscuits (10-12 biscuits).
This easy to follow recipe takes little effort and leaves you with lots of delicious cheesecake. Enjoy.

Sunday Special

For this Sunday meal we have Saffron Rice, Pineapple Chicken, Macaroni Pie, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Red Beans and a colourful fresh salad.


Monday, October 20, 2014

Banana Bread


1 ½ cups flour, 2 eggs, 1 cup brown sugar, 2- 3 very ripe bananas, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp vanilla essence, ½ cup oil
Mix all ingredients together and gradually add oil last. Grease loaf tin before placing dough in it. Set oven to 350 F and bake for 45 mins. Before removing from oven stick with knife in the middle to test for doneness in baking.
This is an easy to follow recipe, the oil can be cut in half without compromising the quality of the end product

Independence Celebration

I decided to cook this in celebration of our Nation's Independence. It comprises of Red and white fried rice, Black beans, Potato pie, Cole slaw, Oven fried chicken and Fresh salad. Enjoy.